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Learn How TikTok Creator, Cael O'Donnell, Made 6-Figures in 6 Months with Just TikTok

Kyle Kaplanis / Cale O'Donnell Episode 66

How Cael O'Donnell Made 6-Figures in 6 Months with TikTok Through Hard work and Consistency

I talked with the incredible TikTok Creator, Cael O'Donnell. Cale is Australia's Number 1 Psychic and Medium and has turned his business into a 6-Figure empire in just 6 Months and has grown his TikTok channel to over 600K followers.

In this Episode we will be discussing:

How Hard Work and Consistency is key to growth
How Cale became Australia’s #1 Psychic Medium.
How your tribe (audience) is so important!!!
Cales new Book "3 Minutes with Spirit"

Visit Cale at to book in your spirit reading experience 

TikTok: @imcaleodonnell 

Instagram: @imcaleodnnell

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Kyle Kaplanis:

Hey everyone. Welcome back to another episode of BizTok for TikTok today in the studio, I'm honored to be talking to the incredible Cale O'Donnell. Cale is Australia's number one, psychic and medium, and has turned his business into a six- figure empire in just six months. And it has grown his TikTok channel to over 600,000 followers. Now some of you are probably thinking , Kyle , what's going on here? How come we have a psychic and median on the show today? But as I just mentioned, growing his business to a six figure empire is really something that we're all wanting to learn from. And no matter what your business is or what you do, there's always going to be some strategic things that we can learn from each creator that we have on the show. So Cale , I'm really excited to have you on today. Welcome to BizTok for TikTok.

Cale O'Donnell:

Thanks for having me, Kyle, I'm really excited about this. This is something very unique and I love the name of the podcast too. It's.

Kyle Kaplanis:

Thank you so much. I had to do the play on words, right? Some people don't get it, but they will eventually. Cause as we both know, Tik TOK is still growing and there's so much room for this organic reach and growth there. But I want to know a little bit of your background. With your business, were you always geared on social media?

Cale O'Donnell:

Yes. So my whole business actually came out. TikTok. So I didn't know that I could monetize my page. I didn't know. I was just doing it and helping people,, connecting with their loved ones until one day I realized that it was something that I could make a business out of and what value I was giving people, I can actually charge money. From there it just started to take off and I want to thank TikTok because that's really where my. Is mainly out off, so yeah,

Kyle Kaplanis:

that's really cool. So talk to me about joining the app in the first place, was it something that you were going to come to the app and really be business focused or did that kind of just fall into.

Cale O'Donnell:

That's a good question because I didn't really join, take talk because I wanted to make a business. I didn't even know I wanted to do that. I joined TikTok like the most of us. Very curious. Just want to see what it's all about. Seeing some clips here and there on other pages. And so I went on there and after that, I'm like, I'm going to try a few videos, looking back the cringy videos in the world. But, you find your niche, you find what you're good at. That's how I basically got started. And, it was for fun at the start.

Kyle Kaplanis:

I love that you brought up that it's a cringey has videos because every creator I think can attest to that when they go back to when they first started and they had no idea what they were doing and it was really. Off topic to what they do now. They had no idea what they were doing. So it's cool that you say that though, because a lot of people when they see content creators like yourself who maybe, they might be a psychic themself or a medium, and they're like, oh my gosh, she's doing so great. I can't keep up with that. I don't know what I'm doing for anybody listening that might be interested, ,scroll down to Kale's first videos and see how far he's come and establish himself. Because, you could probably attest to this that you've learned as you've grown you've tried different methods and different video styles. Is that correct?

Cale O'Donnell:

Oh, absolutely. Yeah, I've tried many different styles and it's always the case that the styles you think are going to go viral. The things that you put so much work behind, they flop, one of my most viral videos that has 8.4 million views, that's the video that I just did one afternoon and I just I'm going to do it like this. And then it blew up and I didn't even have any thought behind it. So, you know, it's, you just have to give it a go just to. That's

Kyle Kaplanis:

so funny. That's honestly, I would say 95% of the people I've had on my show and I've talked to them about their videos. They've also the exact same thing. Those that they spend a lot of time and effort and in the creative process, just bomb, like you say, they just flopped. Whereas like the ones that are in the moment, people can feel that authenticity. I think it's just kind of like in the moment and. It seems to resonate really well with people because something about it just feels so vulnerable and real. And I think that's why people have those success, but then you can learn from that and say, okay, this worked and plan I see you do a lot of really cool videos where you're talking about a story talking with one of your clients and those experiences. And is that something that you did once and then it works and what we're going to continue that style of.

Cale O'Donnell:

Yes. Yeah. That's one thing. Cause I thought, you know what, I'm just going to try it. Cause everyone was doing the whole, Siri voice thing and telling stories. And that was a trend that has died and I'm still doing it, but, it works. I think that's like kind of my thing now. But even in business you have to tell a story, your story will, sell. It makes sense that the story really was the one that went viral, because people are curious to see what do you offer? What do you do? What service do you offer people and how do you impact people's lives? So that's how I would, answer that. Starting that video series that I've been doing has shown real encounters with clients and people are curious to what. Have their phones. They tell me on notification. So when the next series comes out, the next episode, they want to watch it because they curious to say, you know how it progresses? That's a story.

Kyle Kaplanis:

I love that. You say that cause it is a clear indication of what you do where people can get a glimpse and say, I want that story. I want to figure out what's that for me, where it's not. So ad, like you're not pushing your business by any means. You're sharing a piece of value about it in a fun, organic way that people can enjoy. At face value without having something attached to it, you're not pushing people. And I think that's where TikTok has really revolutionized. Where businesses are able to now advertise in a fun way. They don't have to be so pushy, right? Like on Facebook, if you were to run an ad, you would really want it to be like, go visit my website or whatever, where we saw before. And it was just so pushy, you almost felt obligated. Like, I don't want to get a reading. Yeah. But whereas if you don't want one, but you can still enjoy it. Right. Like you can still enjoy that video and still learn something. But then those that are. We'll want to grasp for it even more. And is that what you notice with your content? You started getting reached out by a lot of people. Like, how can I sign up? where can I go to, to get one of these things? Is that kind of what happens?

Cale O'Donnell:

Yeah. When you don't indicate that you want anything in return and you just say, check out the link in my bio for a free gift that I have there, and the gift is. A download rating that you can download, how to, connecting with your spirit guides. That's one gift that I give away and people are like even more value. That's fantastic. It's called the funnel. At the end of the day, it might look like I'm, creating all these creative content and people that the end of the day it is a business and there is a funnel and there's a process of getting a client. And the more value you really pack on the more that they feel. I'm being served and treated well, and I want to work with you. And so that's how it works for me. And it's like clockwork, you give something and people want to work with you.

Kyle Kaplanis:

I talk on my show a lot about the funnel system as well, because it is true, no matter what we're doing, even as a personal brand, Selling something no matter what you're doing, we're selling something about us or what's the whole point of creating. So I agree. And TikTok when we're talking about a sales funnel, or just a funnel in general for obtaining something TikTok really is the, like the top. It's the biggest widest bucket range and think. When you go to like your page, it doesn't look like business. If that makes sense, it looks fun. It looks very native to take talk. It looks really cool, but that's the whole concept is, like you said, is giving value versus trying to take something from somebody with a cost you're giving things for free. And now people are consuming your stuff and they're hearing these stories, which is great. I think any business should be able to talk about a story from their customer or a client or whoever. And then people were wanting more. They're going to go get that free gift. And they're like, oh my gosh, this is so valuable. How can I get more kale? Tell me more, where can I go? What's your website? They're coming to you for this information versus you viewing it on them. Yeah. And that's, yeah, that's really like the past. Of TikTok and being more organic in that fashion. I think a lot of brands are catching on, but there's still a lot of those that are in the archaic days because it's moving quick. So you caught on to that and clearly it's been a success for you because tell me about that. Like six months, six figures. Talk to me about that. How'd that.

Cale O'Donnell:

for me, I just stayed very consistent. And one of the ways that I stayed consistent, once I was able to use the live feature on TikTok, I started going live in live is one of the most. Value giving things you can give to your clients or customers or people you're trying to reach because they're right there and they don't need to wait for an email reply. They can ask you in the comments, so you're right there and you're providing an incredible amount of value for people who are interested to work with you. And while I was going live, that's where I was sending people to my website. So it came on very naturally. I would give them a free rating and I would say, Hey, you know, I'm seeing. But I don't have all the time in the world. I got to move on to the next person. So there's a link in my bio, go and check it out and book yourself a full appointment. So you direct the person, you give them value, but then you're not going to give everything. And you say, I'm seeing more. I actually see something in next year, in the month of April that I want to talk about that Spirit's showing me. So go ahead and book and I'll tell you about in the full appointment, right? Cause they're going to book because. Crap. I want to go and book for back April. That's how it works and it works a trade for me. And, I don't go live as much anymore because I'm really, really busy, but I stay consistent posting. And how I got to six figures in six months was working hard, building a valuable client base, providing value, being myself. And, I also like to manifest, so I set goals, I think. Was it in December or January? I said, I want to be earning, 10, 12, 13, K a month. And so I set that as a manifestation goal. I visualized it and I would get to that and even surpass that. And I was doing the same thing, but I was manifesting as well. So that's another thing that I'd have to say, not only consistency, but I also had to put my, manifestation to work.

Kyle Kaplanis:

Big time. Manifestation to me is something that I do on a daily basis. I have a chalkboard downstairs and we write a message to ourselves , of what we want for that day kind of thing. And where our mindset is going to be. And I think that's really powerful. And I do agree whether people believe that or not, you can change that word out for whatever you feel like you need to change it out for. I use manifests, but like goals, like really important , to write those goals down and figure out where do you want to be and write it like, as that's what you want. You have to be very specific with it. Don't be vague, be very specific on what you want and you said, I want to be here and there. Which is fantastic. Before that you weren't making six figures, I'm assuming,

Cale O'Donnell:

no, I wasn't earning six figures and I didn't have that many followers. So I actually did the same thing with my followers. So I would say to spirit or a side of the universe, whatever you believe in, I'd like another, a hundred K by next Wednesday. Thank you. And I would say that to the universe and it would happen because I manifested and I put out my request to the universe. This is what I. But the secret thing is if you're listening to this and curious about this power, I actually finished the loop. And I said, I would like to reach a hundred K because I want to impact people with hope and change their life. So you tell the universe something you want to do, not because you want to gain, but you're going to give something back to the universe and make our tick. I want to do that. I'm going to help you get the a hundred K because you sold it to me. You sold me on your mission.

Kyle Kaplanis:

I like that. Let's just say dollars for, I want a million dollars, you know, w which we all would like, but it's like, why, what's the purpose behind it? What are you going to do something valuable with that to give back. If I give you this, what are you going to give back in return?

Cale O'Donnell:

Literally that I could write a book on that secret law. That's a secret, many people know that if you want to manifest, if you want to make a million dollars, you can make that, but you got to sell it to the universe. Tell what are you going to do with that million? I'm going to help the world change.

Kyle Kaplanis:

That makes sense. And I think, like you said, the secret, there is a lot of people think of manifesting of they want, want, want, but they have to remember to also give back. The power of action too. I do agree. Some people think that they could just sit back and think they want these things, but you have to take action. Right. Is that true?

Cale O'Donnell:

The amount of people that message me or light where kids, and they will say, how do you get those clients on your waiting list and yada, yada. And I say, okay, so how many times have you reached out to, give value to clients? Or how many times have you posted on TikTok? I post a couple of videos and they flopped. Wow. You got to get back the next day and posting. You got to keep consistent and keep showing the thing about the algorithm on TikTok is that if you make any changes to what you're doing, it will be picked up and your followers will start to go down, and your impact will start to go down. So you've got to show yourself consistent. You've got to show yourself, I'm going to show up every day and entertain people. and it will reward you. It's one of the most rewarding algorithms that exist right now. So you will be rewarded, just got to stay there and be.

Kyle Kaplanis:

I could not agree more. I love that. You said it's like a very rewarding algorithm right now and it is it take talk might not be in the future, just like we're seeing with Facebook and Instagram changing, but right now it is the platform to be on. So that's why I'm educating people right now. You gotta get in here and be able to do that, but just like manifesting you do want to have that goal, but you've got to take action for that. And I love what you said now for that full circle. Give the reason what you're going to give back once you obtain that or why you're obtaining it. I love that. I never really thought of that. And now that's going to change my perspective on my goals. I might actually write that on my board now is adding that piece to it and saying, Hey, Hey universe, I want this because I want to do this with it. You know what I mean? Not just because you can have a million followers, but what's the point. If you don't have a.

Cale O'Donnell:

That's the main thing, you've got to work with the universe and the universe will work with you, what you want the universe wants for you. And I know, and I'm friends , with TikTok uses in Australia and around the world that have 3 million followers. They have millions of things, but they don't have a lot of money and they have a lot of followers because I don't know how to monetize. That's the number one thing. And number two, they don't know how to manifest. I can teach today how to obviously manifest. but the monetizing bit, you gotta find what you want to give the world and that's your gift and your talents. And double down on one thing you want to offer the world. So many people want to give so many things to, so many people, but you gotta pick your audience and pick your number. One thing that you're going to give them and you'll find your spot and it will work. Trust me.

Kyle Kaplanis:

Yeah, for sure. And I do talk to creators too, cause there's a fine line of some that are a little bit greedy that want to just charge for anything. And then there's also some creators who want to just give, give, give, give, and they're burn themselves out. But I do agree like you said you're giving value, but you're also a business, and I think that's really important for people to learn from. Without you being able to turn this into a business, you would burn yourself out and then the value is gone. You can't give back anymore. So I think, as creators, like you said, if they can figure out their vision and then be able to turn that into a monetization piece that would give. Financial freedom to continue to create. It would also give them the time and effort if they needed more resources to hire, to help them out so they can give back and give that value. But it is important to remind yourself at the end of the day that no matter what you do, you are a business. You have to treat it like that. And there has to be some sort of monetary value back, I guess, right. Or, we would all just be. And I'm not saying broke is a bad thing, but like, we'd just be broken in burnt-out. So

Cale O'Donnell:

you'd just be broken, famous videos. I know so many people think that when I get followers, all the brand deals are going to come to you. No, that's not actually the case. You have to go after the brand deals and you got to get on their platform. You got to get in their eyes because they're not just going to chase you because there's so much competition, so many different followers out there. So it doesn't always equal money. If you have a.

Kyle Kaplanis:

Kayla. I'm so glad that you brought that up. Cause that's such a powerful statement right there. It's so true. A little bit about me is I run an agency we partner brand deals with our creators. We have an exclusive talent management list of creators we work with and some of them are big like Spencer X, Michael Lee, who got over 50 million followers each. But the thing is obviously brands are coming to them, but I do have creators come to me for that advice. And they're like, kind of like I've grown to a million followers and how come my inbox is. Yeah. Welcome to reality it's not you just grow here and then all of a sudden people are coming to, you really have to fight for those spots and really go after it. And even with our big creators, we're constantly on the outbound reach out because you have to go out there and. Talk about what it is that you're thinking about doing. And, I tell creators, this is a really good piece of advice that I tell creators is if you do want to work with a brand and they haven't reached out to you yet, then you really have to focus on. Go through the content that they're creating themselves, look at the creators that they're working with and see what it is that those creators are doing. And then incorporate that into your own creativity because that's, what's going to get their attention. They're not going to just come to you. It's like manifesting. You have to take that action of what you want, but make it look like you're already playing that part. Then they're

Cale O'Donnell:

going to notice that. Yeah, exactly. I did a little bit of a snaky thing where I decided to talk about the brand deals that I want to work with. And I would tag them in my stories on Instagram and then, I would give them all this value of, I love this product and I love using it and blah, blah, blah. And then my manager reached out and said, Hey, look at all these stories we've been doing, we've seen that. You've seen our stories. How about a brand deal? And they go, absolutely. Why not? Yeah.

Kyle Kaplanis:

Yes. Yes. There's some people that would say all, but I'm doing it for free and they're getting exposure to my audience, yes, but if a brand sees that you're a huge fan and you're willing to do a free video, that right there strikes their interest. Ooh, they're actually a fan. They're not just going to do it for the money. They're really excited about this product and they're going to do us justice. Like they're going to do it in a good way. And I agree. I'm working with one creator right now and she really wants to work with Doritos. It's like her dream brand.

Cale O'Donnell:

So she actually did. Right.

Kyle Kaplanis:

Okay. So like she, she created two videos for them for free. They don't even know about it, but they created it. So that way, when we reach out, we're like, Hey, here's the links to these two videos. So you can get an idea of what your product looks like, a minor. And that's what gives them the better indication so that they can visualize it and be like, wow, this is an amazing fit. We've got to do it. Here's some budget. Yeah,

Cale O'Donnell:

exactly. And follow up, follow up, follow up. That's the one thing you of just post and think that, oh, they'll get the picture and reach out to you, follow up, send them another email three days later and say, Hey, I'm just checking. If you got that email, I'm curious to work with you. And most often times that second follow-up. We get a reply. And they'll say that would be, might be a little bit blunt and just say, let's get on zoom or let's just get on a call. Are you available like now? Right. I knew it, you know, cause it's your business, don't you want to make money don't you want to keep gone. You'll do anything to keep that business with flight so you can keep giving your vision and reaching that mission that you have.

Kyle Kaplanis:

Exactly. I think some creators feel like, oh, I'm going to be too pushy or bombard them. But if you look at it as a. Perspective, because you're selling yourself. You're a business, and they say in the sales world that sometimes it takes being in front of somebody 10 times for them to grasp it. So being consistent, like you're not really going to ignore them. They might be like, okay, wait a minute. Who is this? Let me see what the heck they have to say. And then they see that and they're like, Hey, oh my gosh. Because these people are busy. These creators don't realize there's millions of people out there for one. Thousands and thousands of creators that are looking to be on that exact same campaign. So you have to fight for it. You

Cale O'Donnell:

really that's so important. You make a great point that cause you can flip that Cod and say, just like you said, you got to get in front of them 10 times, even those small businesses listening today, you have to be getting in front of your customer 10 times. So how are you going to do that? Making content on Tik TOK regularly and making sure that it goes up there.

Kyle Kaplanis:

That's amazing. It is so true. It is like a reverse world. Everything has its own part to it. And I agree. Take talk is great because you're making fun content where your brand is in front of them all the time, all the time. It doesn't have to be so pushy. That's why I love your content. It's fun. There's always something to learn about. But then again, you're a brand. So that way, when I'm interested in wanting a reading, who do I think at first, I think of you. I think kale of mine that is partnered with that niche, that whatever focus it is. So that's really, really cool.

Cale O'Donnell:

That's so interesting. You say that because I've had that at the times, people often say that I never had a medium session before, but I thought of you because I've seen you so many times and I felt comfortable because I've experienced a little bit of what you do. So I thought I'd reach out that's I get that.

Kyle Kaplanis:

Right. And they said that they feel comfortable because what is so different about TikTok is the commercials or ads. You don't really spend a lot of time looking at the camera. Like I am right now. It's more, sometimes it's like a, sometimes an ad is like conversation with somebody else. Or if you watch commercials a lot, it's like people just in the room, but they're not even talking to the audience really what they really should be focusing on. Now where's your videos when you're telling a message to somebody actually. Here, which I want to share. One of your videos you're looking at the camera and sharing that message. So then people feel like you're actually speaking to them, like they've already know who you are. They've watched 10 of your videos. So they feel like they know you. So that way, when they're reaching out, they feel comfortable enough to be like, oh my gosh, I'm so excited. you don't really know them, but they feel like they know.

Cale O'Donnell:

That's so interesting. You say that because I'll post on my story and lots of people would love to watch my story. And then they'll have a reading in the afternoon that they've waited eight months to have this appointment. Right. Then when I'm meeting with them, they'll say something like, how did your cat go this morning with that new toy you bought? And I'm like, how did you know that? And then it's like, oh wait, you watch me on my social media. So sometimes you forget, people are watching you all the time to see what.

Kyle Kaplanis:

And that's really important for a brand, because if you can be somebody is top of mind where they feel like they know your brand inside and out, that's a loyal customer for life. Like they will go advocate for you to everybody. And that's what you want. I do have a video that I love. I want to share it with people right now. So I'm going to play it you'll know what it is once you kick it off, but it's about, it's about happiness and I think that's a really. Statement that we need to do to talk into our next segment here. Here we go. Sure. Taking

Cale O'Donnell:

away in your life and you need to pick happiness above everything else. If it's not bringing you happiness, you need to let it go. If it's not giving you happiness, you need to move on. Life is tremendously short. Be happy.

Kyle Kaplanis:

I love that video for one that can relate to anybody, but I think. Creating content for your brand or business, starting with happiness and being excited about what you're doing is really, I think one of the key factors to success as well. Would you agree? Absolutely.

Cale O'Donnell:

Yes at the end of the day, when you strip away the money and the fame, people just want happy ask any celebrity, you really want to prioritize happiness. That's one of the key things is finding what gives you joy? What feels your. Pursue that, not what mom says, not what that says, not what your teacher at school said, just pursue what makes you happy and go for it. Even if it doesn't make you millions, you're still going to be happy because you're doing what you love. That's what I do. I love giving ratings. I say, I'd do it for free.

Kyle Kaplanis:

Right? Exactly. I think, we're so conditioned to listen to what society has to say for ourselves. We're not. What I love about social media shifting to where more and more and more people are becoming creators, because it really is giving us that focus that we can do what we want. We actually don't have to fit the mold of what society thinks that we should be doing. We get to be who we want to be in somebody growing up, probably told you, like, if you told them that I want to do this, they probably would have been like, Good luck. I think you really should go the education way and do this or whatever, and what a shot you down. And you could have been in that situation where you're like, okay, and moved on and not proceed your dream. So I do agree. I love that anybody listening right now, really take this moment to think about what you want to do and manifest it, write it down and tell the universe what value you're going to get. Back by doing that and go with it.

Cale O'Donnell:

Yeah. And that really links in because there is a story coming up in my book three minutes with spirit comes out next year. There's a story that I share about me working for a tyrant boss. And I used to work for a bus that would scream at me. He would swear at me. He would swear at all. Make us feel so bad. And I remember every morning at six o'clock, I would arrive and I would have to get the newspaper from the front of the door and bring it in. And I remember my thoughts were one day, I'm going to own my own business. And then I weren't, I'll treat all my stuff. Good. One day, I'm going to hide my business. I'm going to treat all my stuff. Good. And I kept on telling myself that. And he said, one day when I was by myself making coffee, he said, one day own your own. That's where all the money is, is owning your own business now working for somebody else. And he actually told me to do that. Then I was surprised. I'm like, in my mind, yes, Kevin, I'm going to be going to do that. Don't you worry. I'm not going to be working for you until I retire. That's the truth. And that's where I came from, and I did go to university. I did go to, to study psychology. I did work at a hospital for five years, working in mental health and I hadn't happy moments. I felt like I touched people. But was it filling my cup every day now I felt that there was something more that I wanted to get in this world. And I got went out there. Yeah,

Kyle Kaplanis:

I love that. And I think most of the really cool entrepreneurs with really good stories, they all started somewhere else. For people listening, you can be that person to like these people that are doing these things that they love are just normal people. Just like you listening right now. All they did was take that desire and passion and take that first step. And that's all you have to do today. Step toward it. And it will work itself out if you have the goal in mind and the right intention for it, it will work out because my background is also in healthcare. I was a respiratory therapist, although I loved what I did, I really truly did. And I loved the hospital I worked for and I loved the adrenaline rush of saving people. But I also wanted something for my life where I wouldn't have to trade time for., so I wanted to figure out what is something I can do where I can give my time is valuable so I can spend time with my family at any time, but doing something I love and be able to still help people in a way. And I finally was able to do that and it just took me taking that little step and it all worked out and it's just continuing to go in the direction I want, which is really fun. But you mentioned a book. So talk to me about that, because this was really fun. Not only it's TikTok. Monetary value, but also really interesting opportunities here. So talk to me a little bit about this book three minutes with spirit.

Cale O'Donnell:

That's one thing about being on TikTok. you have a lot of exposure and I've had a lot of people reach out to me in big organizations. And, one of them is penguin. One of the world's biggest publishes and they reached out and pitched to me. And I didn't even know that I wanted to write a book. I didn't even know what they did. And. That they sent us an email. And so I went with it and so I've written a book and it's coming out next year. It's pre-orders in February and it comes out May 3rd in Australia, and across the world. But, they said, people want a piece of Kayla, Donald. They want something at home that they can hold and feel and maybe even read your words and your story a little bit more and why not while you're on. it's something that you can sign as lots of people can have a piece of that moment that they had it on tour in the live shows. So they really sold me on the idea. So three minutes with spirit is a book about the three spiritual aspects that you can tap into. So there's the self, there's the source, and then there's spirit. And sometimes when you want to connect him with a loved one, you have to figure out the spirit inside of you to reach the spirit for you. And so that's what the book is all about. It's getting to know you, it's getting to know what kind of spirit you are and realizing that those spirits that are beyond us, just the same as us, because we remember them. And so that's what the book is all about. And it's three minutes for its spirit because there's three minute exercises throughout the chapters on connecting with spirit. So it's really. In spirituality that aren't really sure where to start. I don't know what a spirit guide is. I don't know, about all these stuff I'm curious to get started. So it's definitely that kind of book of like a beginner level.

Kyle Kaplanis:

Oh, cool. That's so fun. That's something that I would a hundred percent buy, cause it's very interesting to me., I'm very open to all those types of things and I like what you just mentioned like. It really helps you learn your own spirit. And I love that you said that because we're so focused about what others think of us like, and this might be off tangent a little bit, but I'm sure goes together, but we're so focused , as a human being of what others feel about us. Were almost a stranger sometimes to ourselves because., we really need to learn about us and, and be okay that the outside world and perspective is not even necessarily, and that's goes back into like the goal of doing what you love and everything like that too., would you agree

Cale O'Donnell:

exactly when you know your spirit and you know, yourself deeply and your innate faculties as it being. You're going to make T talk content that goes viral. You're going to make TikTok content that impacts people. And you'll be your genuine self. You won't have to change yourself because you'll know deeply why you're here, what you're capable of and the parts of you that are, acceptable and loved and venerated and on it. So that's what it's all about. It's really important. Reflect on ourselves and realize that, we've got so much against us when we come into the world, there's so many things already pinned against us and so many different things that we have to face and go through. So this book is really like a kind of a brush off for, for people who get to a point where I just need to be reminded that I'm okay. Just. Just being is good where a human being, not a human doing. You know what I mean?

Kyle Kaplanis:

I love that I couldn't agree more. Just those constant reminders are necessary for us on a daily basis. And I've never heard anybody say that. And I think that's really cool because we should just be okay with just being, we don't have to constantly be. Doing all the time, because then we just burn ourselves out and then it just turns into this constant cycle of a mess. But if you're just okay with just being then everything that you do, even if it's baby steps is still giving value back to the world. So I love that. Exactly. That's really cool. What's something that somebody can do today, like an exercise or telling themselves, do you have sayings mantras or anything that gets somebody in the right perspective to help them start learning more about themselves?

Cale O'Donnell:

For me, what I would suggest is basically seeing with yourself and I think it's good to write down. I love to journal. I love to write down things and what I, one of the exercises that I have in the book is to say, Right to your older self. Think of a point in your life, maybe when you were 17, maybe when you were 15 and write to that person and write to that self and right where you are today and give them an update and say, everything's okay. What you were worried about that would happen at 21 was overcome. And what you're worried about this has, we've moved past it. So you talk to the inner self and you write down and it's just a great reflection , to realize that. You're the one experiencing your own reality. And you're the one that's seen everything. You're your own story. Tell us. So I would say that that's one way to get started, and that doesn't really involve all the spirits around there and spirit guides and stuff. They're just involved here because you are powerful just in yourself. You're a very powerful being, just sitting on your

Kyle Kaplanis:

arms. So, you know, That's so cool. And I think like doing that writing assignment puts you back into perspective of what's happening right now, because a lot of us are really centered but a lot of us are either focused in the past. So much of us are just in the past and dwelling on those things and wishing they did all these things. And then some of our, of. Anxious about the future. But both of those things are out of our control. There's nothing you can do about the past and you can't predict the future. The only thing you can do is be in this moment right now and today. And, I think the more we can remind ourselves of that, the less. Pressured really , because you can only do so much in what we have right now, in the moment right now we're having this conversation, that's it. Like, I can't

Cale O'Donnell:

do anything. It's beautiful. It's beautiful. Just be in this moment. And one thing that, I talk about in chapter one is probability and the probability of you being on earth is literally zero with 10 zeros afterwards. They've done science on this to show you that the probability of you being here. Yeah. Zero times 10. So if you think about that and what you're doing in your life right now, you're living an improbability that you're even here. So just understand that there has to be some reason why I'm here. This is more than a miracle that I'm even here today. And so just understand that everyone starts laughing like that. The people of your school that were bullying, you guys thought life's like that too. But I believe that that's one thing is that we can all change. He'll and we can all become someone new. And remember that what people used to know, you lack, maybe you're a little bit worried about going on TikTok, because what if somebody finds at my workplace? So something like this, well, remember that your past doesn't define you. You're not the person who knew that you were in the past. You're someone new just today. I love that. Embrace that for who you are that might not know your name, but they don't really know you anymore.

Kyle Kaplanis:

Yeah, exactly. If you're happy with who you are now, then those people might see you and be like, Wow. They've come so far, whatever. So don't be afraid of who you are now because that's the only person that matters is who you are today. You know, we all,

Cale O'Donnell:


Kyle Kaplanis:

We've all made silly mistakes. There's always something in the past that we could have looked back and feel low, cringed out or embarrassed by. But it's all about who you are in this moment. And that's the. Kind of that matters. So yeah, that's so cool. That will

Cale O'Donnell:

provide value to yourself as well. While you're doing business. If you can really reflect, maybe you're not spiritual. Maybe you think this is all just woo. Woo. And that's perfectly fine, but you do need to radically accept and realize that you have so much to give the world. And it doesn't matter who you are. You are an inspiration to someone. So just sit with that and sit in your own skin. Okay. That there's something I can

Kyle Kaplanis:

do, you know exactly. That's a great reminder for people listening right now, especially when it comes to content. If you're thinking I'm not going to be a content creator, because nobody cares about me. It only takes one person. So if your intentions are just to at least inspire or help somebody, then you were a content creator. You don't need millions of dollars. You don't need thousands. You can just inspire one. And you're still a content creator giving value. So remind yourself of that, that if you're listening right now, and I know a lot of you are so excited, thinking, right? Okay. I got to learn more about kale. How can I find him? Where can I learn more? I'm going to go find his channels. So kale now's the time. Tell us everything we need to know to be able to find you connect with you and book with you if you're interested. Oh,

Cale O'Donnell:

of course. Yes. So you can go to. Kayla and there is even a free meet your spirit guide meditation. So if you want to meet your spirit guide, you don't know who they are. You can download my meditation and do it there on the website. I also have a waiting list. So if you would like to meet me in 2022 and do a rating, there's that option as well. But I also have group readings coming up also in October and in other months as well. So keep your eye out, but also on my Instagram at I'm Kayla Donal, I provide lots of different content, like. Feathers that you find, what does that mean? What does two to two menu when you wake up in the middle of the night for a drink and you see two to two on your clock, what does that mean? So all these different things, the way the universe is speaking to you, the way that your spirit guides a guiding you. I like to teach you that when Instagram.

Kyle Kaplanis:

That's so cool. And then on your TikTok is fun because you share insight perspectives to some of these stories that other people have been through with their reading. So then those who are very curious to maybe book with you. They can get an idea of what it might look like or what value they can get from that reading.

Cale O'Donnell:

Yes. On TikTok I do a series like a transcript., appointments that I've had, or really memorable moments that I've had that I could never create for myself. I could never think that this would ever happen to me. And I put these moments on Tik TOK off to saying thousands of clients. Now I can put them on Tik TOK and show you, what it's like , to meet people and all the different things. And some people are. When the once they've had an appointment, they look back after a few months and they look at my TikTok and go, oh my God, my story was featured on your TikTok. And our moment, I can't believe that I would be featured on your TikTok and that moment that we shared together. And it was like exactly what I thought it was going to be.

Kyle Kaplanis:

That's so cool. Yeah. And that's fun. People like that validation too. Maybe my story can get shared too, that's just an added bonus, cause that's not what to tell about, but I love that they're able to do that. And those of you that are listening, I made it very, very simple for you. You just go to the description notes of this podcast episode, and then you're able to collect the links all to the places that you can find kale and his website. I'll have a link directly there. So. Book with him for 2022, if that's something that you're very interested in about, and also his book, I'll put the reminder of what the book title will be since it's not coming out until next year, but it'll at least be in top of mind. And if you're listening to this in 2022, then there you go. The information is right there in the description notes. Kale, this was a very positive,, happy, fun podcast that I think has a lot of value that will just be so evergreen because. People that are listening, save this podcast episode. Cause there's a lot of positive things you can take from this and remind yourself that right now in the moment is all you need to be in. And I'm going to reiterate back to bring it back to full circle about manifestation and put that value. What are you going to get back to what you're going to get?

Cale O'Donnell:

Exactly. And remember that you can never fail. You're only going to fail. If you stop to.

Kyle Kaplanis:

That's the best. I love that. Thank you so much kale for all your time today and all your value. And I'm really excited. I'm probably going to book myself a session for 2020. So, so this is great. Thank you again so much for your time.

Cale O'Donnell:

I've absolutely loved this and thank you for listening today to the podcast.

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